Identity and Priorities

Who is Malcolmand what are his/eir/their ambitions?

  • Identities and Intersections
    • Intersex (Klinefelter’s XY/XXY 46/47 Mosaic), Trans, Non-binary/Genderqueer. But comfortable with many pronouns and game for using new and interesting ones, or having you use them. I mostly dress as a man, and my name is Malcolm, so people assume things if I don’t tell them upfront. For more, see my pronoun game page. I often pass as cis.
    • Multiracial. I’m Chinese and white. But I often pass as white.
    • Queer. I identify, when appropriate, as bisexual. But I am mostly in relationships that pass for heterosexual.
    • Ability. I am disabled. But I often pass for abled. The most recent scrape here was with cancer. I got a stem cell transplant and I’m in remission. We now keep an eye on it and hope I can be found cured in a couple of years.
  • Community
    • I wish I were more comfortable in big communities that I already belong to, but I get pretty discontented when I am expected to be complicit with injustice, which is usually the status quo. So I generally don’t fit in. Even in very radicalized communities, instead of relaxing and going with the flow, I will often stop celebrations to ask hard questions or make difficult observations, or behave in a difficult manner. It’s who I am and how I was built.
    • But I do make friends, and generally, the friends I make are, like me, high-quality people with very high standards. We are generally unapologetic about bending the world around us to our will, and we are not afraid of either conflict or humility. We expect our high-quality friends to talk to us and each other, and call each other if we see ourselves overstepping. We are that kind of people.
    • I do relax, with friends and loved ones, sometimes. When it’s mellow.
    • I am willingly and unwillingly in community with groups that generally have good intentions but are/can be shitty to people and communities I care deeply about (as you can see or may know, many of these groups are in opposition from each other in goals, energy, and philosophy):
      • Feminism – Queer, LGBTQ, and Trans communities
      • Atheism – Science – Western Medicine – Care Advocacy – Evidence-Based Medicine (I explicitly do not identify as a skeptic, which in my opinion is sort of an atheist/pseudoscientific cargo cult)
      • Gaming – Board Gaming – Computer and Console Gaming
      • Computer Programming – Information Security – Data Analytics and Engineering
      • Ability and Disability Groups – Type II Diabetes and Keto eaters – Weight Lifting
      • Taoism – Martial and Meditative Taoist Practice – Body and Energy Work – Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Activism
    • I would prefer to live in communism/socialism but I live and have family in capitalism in Western countries, so I do what I can to increase knowledge, access, opportunity, and equity for everyone that I practically can.
    • I do and have done antiracism activism, as well as ability activism, defunding police, fighting fascism, homophobia, Islamophobia, TERFism, and other conservative politics. I have both been paid to do it, and have volunteered. Because of my disabilities, I don’t often go to marches and protests. I’m a much better and more efficient organizer, logistics organizer, archivist, scholar, writer, and communicator. I can do and have also written guides on operational and information security for activists and organizers.
    • Justice, fairness, equity, and, in capitalism, getting paid, are all very important to me. So when I have a project that needs other hands, I will ask white friends (because I live in the US where they largely have many cultural, systemic, and institutional biases that benefit them more than others) and accomplices to volunteer and I will PAY marginalized contributors fairly (or I won’t ask for volunteer help, but will gratefully accept it if freely given – and try to pay or barter anyhow if accepted).
  • Ambition
    • If I have to leave this world and existence, I would like to provide information and guidance to the world at large, to members of circles of community and/or chosen family and friends to help them enjoy living in this world, to cultivate hobbies, ideas, and projects to in turn better their world, their communities, their circles of friends and family, to survive, cultivate, and thrive and help others around them do so as well.
    • If you like, see my Projects page to see what that means practically to me now.
  • Profession
    I have a few career specialties you should probably know about.

    • Foremost, I’m almost always in some variety of IT.
    • I have many “hard” and “soft” skills. I do pretty decent technical leadership at many different levels, from lower-level manager, and technical lead roles where my job is to do process design and architecture, through project management, where my role is to supervise and manage the process of creating technical products, but I don’t directly do the technical production tasks, to technical architect, where my role is to help guide the vision of the Board and CEO, creating technical strategies for whole groups, divisions, and companies.
    • I’m also a decent producer of technical stuff and have been a developer (mostly a web developer), have used dozens of different programming languages and platforms, and have also been a Network Engineer, a Systems Engineer, and a Release Management Engineer.
    • I have done Data Analytics work.
    • I have done Data Science work (In my experience, this amplifies analytics primarily by building and tweaking machine learning pipelines and models, as well as designing experiments and processes for bias-resistant data capture)
    • I have done security work (mostly certificates and authentication, with some incident response work mixed in).
    • I have technical communication experience, which includes designing and populating purpose-built knowledge bases to help supplement different transition projects.
    • I have also set up monitoring and alerting, with special care to do it in a way that doesn’t alienate employees on the front line.