More COVID and Long COVID tweets and links
An update to the last post, I collected a lot of links and tweets, which I’ll attempt to organize here.
Newly reported White People (ally/accomplice) BUG
I figure since this is a tech/geek blog, it will be useful to report these issues as bugs and hope that White People (their own developers/support) think to make it a priority to fix. Note this means I don’t have to fix it for ya’ll, just notify you of the problem.
Toxic Masculinity, the Real Scoop on What it’s Like to be a Man in it, and Related Thoughts
Let me start by laying my cards out and saying why I’m writing this. I was assigned male at birth. I was raised a feminist boy in the late 60s, early 70s. I have a strong and assertive mother. I have a minor in Women’s Studies, I’m trans, and non binary (since I was 19).…
Taoism and the Sage
By sagely, what I mean is that there is an oft forgotten set of ethics that are meant to apply to all Taoists, especially the successful ones. It’s a mix of altruism, governance, manipulation, idealism, and pragmatism, and the idea is that each Taoist follower, each potential sage, is supposed to be doing a lot…